Use ChatGPT to Write SQL Queries

How to Use ChatGPT to Write SQL Queries

Do you sometimes feel that writing out these SQL queries is a hassle?

Don’t worry, since you’re certainly not alone in this case.

There is a superpower like ChatGPT, which may even write, update or maybe even optimize SQL queries for you.

You heard me right.

Let’s all learn together, from simple SELECT statements to optimizing complex queries, in using SQL for writing queries with ChatGPT. Let’s get started.

Why ChatGPT for SQL?

Now, we shall write SQL queries with the help of ChatGPT. Just ask ChatGPT to write the SQL or you can use ChatGPT for different programming languages like Python, React, and HTML. Likewise, ChatGPT for SQL queries is best for you. Let’s do an experiment.

Whether you want to create, retrieve, update, or delete some data in your database, ChatGPT can do it all. That is, using ChatGPT for SQL queries means that you can feel the presence of a coding assistant ready at your service bringing real-time accurate results.

For example, you want all those customers who have bought anything in the last month. You wouldn’t need to start coding from scratch; instead, you ask ChatGPT:

“Give me a SQL query that gets all customers who have placed an order in the last 30 days.”

And voilà; you have your query in seconds.

Can ChatGPT Write SQL Queries?

The real magic happens when you realize ChatGPT can generate SQL queries from just plain English descriptions. Let’s say you have a task like retrieving user data based on certain conditions. You describe it to ChatGPT, and it translates your needs into a SQL query.

How it Works:

You give ChatGPT a prompt describing the query. For example:

“Write a SQL query to find all employees who joined after January 1, 2020, from the 'employees' table.”

ChatGPT Result

ChatGPT understands your request and gives you a ready-to-use SQL query.
It’s as simple as that. No more struggling with SQL syntax or remembering complex functions.

Using ChatGPT SQL Prompts for Complicated Queries

One thing is to work with simple queries, but can ChatGPT handle complex queries?

Yes it can. ChatGPT can write JOIN statements, handle GROUP BY, and even assemble nested subqueries.

You can construct more complex prompts if your query crosses multiple tables or has deep logic. For writing perfect prompt, you can follow the anatomy of prompt. After that, you can explore different prompt engineering frameworks and types of prompts.

What’s the greatest side? You get to continue perfecting your prompt until the query feels right.


"Write a SQL query to get the sum of sales for each category of product by joining the 'sales' and 'categories' tables."

ChatGPT Result

Can ChatGPT Optimizes SQL Queries?

Now the things get interesting. In case you are dealing with big databases, performance is the most important concern. So, the next question is “Can ChatGPT optimizes SQL queries?”

The answer is yes. ChatGPT doesn’t only write queries but it can also show ways to make them run faster.

Optimization is very important in cases of big data or database performance. A query that works is good; a query that works fast is better.

How to Optimize Queries Using ChatGPT

Give some SQL query to ChatGPT and ask it to:

"Can ChatGPT optimize SQL query for faster performance?"

ChatGPT Result

ChatGPT will assess the query, and it probably will suggest indexing some columns, add WHERE clauses, or improve JOINs usage.

Writing SQL Queries with ChatGPT: Step-by-Step Guide

Now let’s split this example step-by-step on how to use ChatGPT to write SQL queries effectively:

Step 1: Ask the Right Question

Begin with a well-crafted specific prompt. For example, you might ask,

"Display the SQL query of customers who placed orders between January and March 2023."

Step 2: Review the Created Query

ChatGPT will give you the SQL query to practice on. You can verify it against your requirements for accuracy. You can also ask ChatGPT to clarify the query if you are unsure about something.

Step 3: Test the Query

Always test the query on a small set of data or use the preview feature inside SQL editors before running it over your database.

Step 4: Refine if Necessary

If the query doesn’t give you what you want, you can always ask ChatGPT to make changes for you. You might ask for something like this:

"Can you modify the SQL query using ChatGPT to add a where clause like this where region = 'north'?"

Best ChatGPT SQL Prompts to Use

Here are some practical ChatGPT prompts for SQL queries you can use right away:

Simple Data Retrieval

"Act as an SQL expert. Write a query to retrieve all columns from the table [table_name] where the value in the [column_name] is equal to [value]. Ensure the query includes a basic SELECT statement and uses a WHERE clause."

Filtering Data with Multiple Conditions

"Write an SQL query to retrieve records from the table [table_name] where the [column_name1] is equal to [value1] and the [column_name2] is greater than [value2]. Include AND conditions to filter the results."

Using Aggregate Functions

"Generate an SQL query to calculate the average of [column_name] in the table [table_name]. The query should also include a GROUP BY statement based on [grouping_column] and display the results for each group."

Sorting Results

"Write an SQL query to retrieve all columns from the table [table_name], but sort the results by [column_name] in descending order. Ensure the query uses the ORDER BY clause correctly."

Joining Two Tables

"Create an SQL query that retrieves data from two tables: [table1] and [table2]. Use an INNER JOIN to combine the tables on the [common_column] and display specific columns from both tables, such as [table1.column1], [table1.column2], and [table2.column3]."

Using Subqueries

"Generate an SQL query with a subquery to retrieve all records from [table_name] where the value in [column_name] is greater than the average value of that column. The subquery should calculate the average within the same table."

Inserting Data into a Table

"Write an SQL query to insert new data into the table [table_name]. The columns to insert are [column1], [column2], and [column3], and the values are [value1], [value2], and [value3]. Ensure the query uses the INSERT INTO statement correctly."

Updating Data in a Table

"Write an SQL query to update the [column_name] of records in the [table_name] where [condition_column] is equal to [value]. The updated value should be [new_value]. Use the UPDATE and WHERE clauses appropriately."

Deleting Data from a Table

"Create an SQL query to delete records from the table [table_name] where [column_name] is less than [value]. Use the DELETE statement along with a WHERE clause to ensure only certain records are deleted."

Using HAVING with Aggregates

"Write an SQL query to retrieve the total count of records from [table_name] where the sum of [column_name] exceeds [value]. Use GROUP BY to group the records and HAVING to filter the groups based on the sum."

Performing a LEFT JOIN

"Write an SQL query that performs a LEFT JOIN between [table1] and [table2] on [common_column]. Display all records from [table1] and include matching records from [table2], even if there are no matches in [table2]."

Calculating Total with SUM()

"Generate an SQL query to calculate the total sum of [column_name] for all records in [table_name]. Use the SUM() function and ensure the query retrieves only the total."

Filtering Results Using LIKE

"Write an SQL query to retrieve all records from [table_name] where the [column_name] contains the substring [text]. Use the LIKE operator with wildcards to filter the results."

Using IN for Multiple Values

"Create an SQL query to retrieve records from the table [table_name] where the [column_name] is one of the following values: [value1], [value2], [value3]. Use the IN operator to filter based on these values."

Combining Multiple Joins

"Write an SQL query to retrieve data from three tables: [table1], [table2], and [table3]. Perform INNER JOIN between [table1] and [table2] on [common_column], and a LEFT JOIN between [table2] and [table3]. Display specific columns from each table."

These ChatGPT SQL prompts will save you tons of time. The key is to be clear and detailed in your request.

ChatGPT SQL Query for Learning and Debugging

Learning SQL is tough?

No way!

ChatGPT can be your teacher too. If you are having a problem trying to understand why a query isn’t working, just provide the query and ask ChatGPT;

“Why is this SQL query not returning any results?”

ChatGPT will analyze the query and points out potential mistakes such as missing conditions, syntax issues or wrong joins. For example:

“I am trying to select all customers from the ‘customers’ table, but I get an error.”

You put your question in ChatGPT and it will be able to correct its syntax or logic for you. In this manner, you will learn as you also correct the query.

Can I Use ChatGPT SQL for Beginners?

Of course if you are starting out with SQL, ChatGPT might save your life. You don’t have to memorize syntax or spend hours watching SQL tutorials. Just say what you want in plain English and ChatGPT will take care of it for you.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this knowledge gap can be filled with the aid of SQL queries with ChatGPT.

You want to have the best results with ChatGPT. Here are some tips for writing SQL queries:

Be as specific as possible.
Specify the names of all the tables and columns.
Indicate if you require any specific order or grouping in the result.
Always make ChatGPT elaborate on the question if you’re unsure about something.

Final Words

ChatGPT for SQL queries is like a SQL guru at your fingertips. The tool can generate complex queries, debug them and also optimize their performance. ChatGPT’s SQL tools simplify the database management task whether it is a beginner or an experienced developer. You get the starting point of using ChatGPT for SQL. Now, you can experiment with these ChatGPT prompts and utilize ChatGPT for your SQL tasks.

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